Arc Welder (Melee Damage 3 Critical - Range Engaged Stun Damage).Droid – Does not need to breath, eat, or drink, and can survive in vacuum or underwater.Soak Value 3 – Wound Threshold 3 – Melee/Ranged Defence 0/0 Maintenance Droid – Price: 7,500 cr, Rarity: 3īrawn 1 – Agility 1 – Intellect 1 – Cunning 1 – Willpower 1 – Presence 1.Source: Edge of the Empire – Core Rules (sw-ffg-ee-cr p.411).Fantasy Flight Games Rules – Maintenance Droid Maintenance droids generally have a low level of intelligence and are not a threat to organic beings, but malfunctions or malicious reprogramming have been known to turn them against their masters, sometimes with terribly effective results. They can be found anywhere in the galaxy that has the proper technology level to support droids and starports in particular are typically crawling with the things. Taking a multitude of forms, maintenance droids can appear in literally any shape imaginable, from spider-like machines to small, box-like automatons and even to large, vehicle-sized behemoths that repair bridges and the like.